Thinking About Travel During Lockdown

Other than receiving daily emails from Ryanair and so you can’t escape it, what is the point of thinking about travel during lockdown? Well, to that I have one answer: why not think about the future and the promise of joy we will soon have?
I love Nairobi, and I have loved having 3 months with friends and family after being away for nearly 2 years, but I am ready ready for a change.
As several countries begin relaxing their Covid-19 restrictions, citizens have slowly begun to gain the ability to move around with more ease and the idea of taking a holiday plays on many people’s minds. However, if you are anything like me, the thought of taking a trip right now does not sound right for several reasons, no matter how much I want it. The uncertainties about what tourist life is going to look like makes me anxious.
Hence, what’s the solution? Don’t plan a trip right away.
Instead, think about where you want to go when you feel comfortable to do so and when the world has re-emerged from quarantine for longer than two minutes. Whether it is creating a bucket list, reading pre-pandemic travel posts, searching of inspiration on this blog, or scrolling pictures on Instagram, figure out what catches your interest. Which place seems like somewhere actually worth visiting considering everything going on? Does it feel like a place you need to explore at least once in your life?
Moreover, even before the pandemic, money played a huge factor in which country or city we would visit over the other. This has naturally become a greater priority now. Therefore, thinking about your next trip more carefully than before, has its advantages. Whether you take a trip two months from now or you wait a year, not rushing into going somewhere simply because you don’t want to be stuck indoors anymore, is beneficial.
On a more selfish note: if you wait a while until the tourism industry starts working smoothly again, you won’t have to worry about the hundreds of things that could go wrong.
Additionally, a trip does not always mean having to spend the night in a new country or city. Take a day trip to a nearby town if your government guidelines allow it! Explore the parks and historical buildings, even if you don’t get to go inside them. Sometimes the external architecture is more interesting than what’s inside anyway.
It’s time to reignite your wondrous heart and find purpose in travel again!

Loved the perspective and super excited to go on virtual adventures to all the places you’ve visited!!
Sanika Shah
Thank you! Super excited to travel with you virtually and physically soon 🙂
Dream to travel, travel is in your soul
Sanika Shah
Definitely is 🙂
I love this! I know so many people who are desperate to travel as soon as possible and I love that with your passion for travel you’re encouraging people to go about it only if it’s safe. I didn’t know very much about what travelling abroad at the moment looks like before reading this article, very interesting!
Sanika Shah
Thank you! I honestly believe travelling should be the last thing we do right now. We need to keep ourselves and each other safe, else we’ll be dealing with this mess for so much longer than necessary.